A Tribute To Shelton Kennedy


My friend Shelton Kennedy went to be with Jesus one week ago today, a few hours after playing for two of our morning worship services.  He is one of the only people that I have ever written a devotion about.  I thought I would share it with you today.

Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Shelton plays the synthesizer for one of our worship teams. When it is time for a rehearsal to begin, he is always in position ready to go. When we need for someone to play at another campus, Shelton is always willing to drive the extra distance to help out. When Hurricane Katrina destroyed our church sheet music library, Shelton produced a copy of every song that he had ever played with the band. He had saved them for years.

Last week, I noticed a crutch on the floor next to Shelton, so I asked him, “Shelton, is that yours?”

“Yes,” he answered. “I’m having some problems with my knee.”

“Are you o.k. to play?” I asked.

He smiled and said, “Yes, I’ll be fine as long as I’m not walking.”

Later, when asked asked again if he was sure that he could play. Shelton, smiled reassuringly and replied, “I’m on this team and a team’s a team.”

Whenever I think of Shelton, I will remember Psalm 133:1  “How good and pleasant it is when brothers can live together in unity!”

Lord, help us all be more like Shelton.


5 thoughts on “A Tribute To Shelton Kennedy

  1. John, Thank you so much for the beautiful service yesterday & for writing this about Dad. Thanks again, Carleton

  2. I always made it a point to say Hi to Shelton at practice and before service whenever we played together. One Sunday morning, we were rehearsing at 7:30 am as we always did when Shelton started to look weak, as though he was going to pass out. I was directly behind him, so I ran over and helped him down to lie on the floor. The church was empty except for a few band members. I remember praying over him and him opening his eyes and telling me: “I’m alright.” He wanted to get up and pray, but we had called 911, so the paramedics arrived and took him to the hospital, I believe he had just lost his wife recently, so I knew the stress of that had to play a part in it all. He came back strong and played many times with us after that. I know he was one of which the Lord said: “Well done My good & faithful servant. Enter into the joy of the Lord.”

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